Data Sets



Hong Kong + Taiwanese — HK2 : 2337

S1 = Taiwanese female
S2 = Hong Kong male

Context: S2 has been talking about how buildings are built in America, and why it is necessary to keep working to maintain your property..

S2 : because all you know the thing outside is you know still the vinyl plastic (.) is (.) you you buy a house in america

Intended Words : vinyl plastic

Heard as : ?

Discussion : S2 was unable to make any guess about this, and she just left a question mark in her transcript. The problem with plastic is (as before; see HK2 : 1564) the absence of [l] and final [k]. In addition, the use of vinyl is a problem. S2 later explained that 'vinyl siding' is a common external coating for properties in America, but this term is not so commonly used elsewhere. In any case, S1 is not familiar with the word vinyl, even in its more common use referring to records.