Data Sets



Indonesian + Taiwanese — Ind2 : 1359

S1 = Taiwanese female
S2 = Indonesian male

Context: They are talking about interesting places to visit in Indonesia.

S1 : and the other place i like is erm lombok

S2 : wow yeah lombok right <1> yes </1>

S1 : <1> it's a kind </1> of poor (.) poor cousin of bali

S2 : correct yeah

S1 : @

S2 : and especially still virgin in the sense then (.) not mu- pol- not much (.) POLluted by the tourists

Intended Words: still virgin

Heard as: in the region

Discussion: S2 pronounces virgin with [ɪr] rather than [ɜ:] in the first syllable (in what might be described as a spelling pronunciation). In addition, use of still virgin to describe an unspoilt tourist destination is perhaps not usual terminology.