Data Sets



Indonesian + Taiwanese — Ind2 : 62

S1 = Taiwanese female
S2 = Indonesian male

Context: They are discussing the alternative pronunciation of names, particularly whether a name such as Henry should be pronounced with an 'h' at the start.

S2 : in french (.) so eitch is not pronounce it’s that, because of that actually you don’t have eitch in in front of it

Intended Word: eitch (the letter 'h')

Heard as: first token as it; second token as (pigeon)

Discussion: S1 wrote pigeon in brackets for the second token, to show she did not know what word it was.

For the first token, there is minimal fricative noise after the release of the [t], lasting about 20 msec; so it sounds more like the minimal aspiration on a final [t] than the fricative part of [tʃ].

The affricate is clearer in the second token, but the vowel has a close quality, so it is heard by S1 as [ɪ] rather than [eɪ]. Note that the word in is repeated, so, apart fromthe initial plosive [p], pigeon in front of it is actually quite close to eitch in in front of it.