Data Sets



Indonesian + Taiwanese — Ind2 : 962

S1 = Taiwanese female
S2 = Indonesian male

Context: They are talking about the possibility that "no religion is a religion".

S2 : so meaning the same like er (.) karl marx for example er consider that religion is opium society but (.) communism itself eventually is religion

Intended Words: karl marx, opium

Heard as: dalai lama (?), helping

Discussion: The absence of an [s] on the end of marx prevented S1 from identifying the person correctly. She put a question mark against dalai lama, indicating that she knew it was merely a guess.

Without hearing Karl Marx, it is hard to catch the quote about opium. In fact even when she was told that the name was Karl Marx, S1 was unable to hear opium, because she did not know the reference to 'opium of the masses' by Marx. The lack of a clear of after opium also maybe contributed to the problem.