Data Sets



Nigerian + Bruneian : 2263

S1 = Bruneian female
S2 = Bruneian male
S3 = Nigerian male

Context : S3 is talking about how the the sort of things students in ITB (Institut Teknologi Brunei, the Brunei Institute of Technology) learn in their classes.

S3 : ... putting the same thing electrician. putting

S2 : <1> <coughs> </1>

S3 : <1> this wire </1> is cathode this one is anode

Intended Words: cathode, anode

Heard as: cut off, (anod)

Discussion: The medial voiceless TH sound in cathode is pronounced as [t]. However, the main problem seems to be the technical terms cathode and anode. S1 was able to decipher the second one fairly accurately, but she still did not know what the word was.