Data Sets



Nigerian + Bruneian : 894

S1 = Bruneian female
S3 = Nigerian male

Context : S3 is talking about educaton in his country, particularly the selection of students for university.

S1: okay

S3: do you understand

S1: yeah @@

S3: so if i now pass that joint admission and matriculation board test i pass it. i will now enter the school

Intended Words: board test

Heard as: ???

Discussion: S1 was unable to make a guess at this, so she transcribed it as 'unclear'.

It is indeed spoken very fast, and we would not be able to decipher it without the help of S3. In fact, 'Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board' seems to be an established phrase in Nigeria (see Wikipedia:JAMB), so people who are familiar with the culture would have no problem with it, even when it is spoken so fast.