
Ampuan Hj Brahim bin Ampuan Hj Tengah

Hj Asbol bin Hj Mail

Noor Azam OKMB Haji-Othman

Distinguished Professor

David Deterding

Associate Professors

Ahsan Ullah

Debbie Ho

James McLellan

Khondker Iftekhar Iqbal

Senior Assistant Professors

Hjh Asiyah Az-Zahra bte Hj Ahmad Kumpoh

Dk Noor Hasharina bte Pg Haji Hassan

Md Shafi Noor Islam

Paul Deyuan He

Hj Ramlee bin Hj Tinkong

Rommel Curaming

Salbrina Hj Sharbawi

Sharifah Nurul Huda Alkaff

Yabit Alas

Yong Liu

Assistant Professors

Hannah Ho Ming Yit

Hasmidar Hassan

Ishamina Athirah Muntassir

Kathrina bte DP Haji Mohd Daud

Lalu Nurul Yaqin

Marcelo Schellini

Maria Carinnes Alejandria

Maslin bin Haji Jukin/Jukim

Meredian Alam

Muhammad Arafat Bin Mohamad

Shirley Chin

Siti Badriyah Hj Mohd Yusof

Siti Mazidah binti Hj Mohamad

Van Dao Truong


Ak Hj Ashrol Rahimy bin Pg Hj Damit

Asmali Hj Sulaiman

Hjh Aznah binti Hj Suhaimi

Chester Keasberry

Daniel Wee

Ena Herni binti Wasli

Gabriel Yong

Izni Azrein bin Noor Azalie

Khairunnisa Haji Ibrahim

Mardina binti Hj Mahadi

Mayyer Ling

Mohd Norazmie bin Haji Mohd Yusof

Mohd. Zefri Ariff bin Mohd. Zain Ariff

Muhammad Najib bin Noorashid

Nani Suryani binti Hj Abu Bakar

Noreena Liu

Norzurianie Hj Kamarulzaman

Nur Raihan Mohamad

Rinni Marliyana binti Hj Amran

Sarah Hanaa Haji Ahmad Ghazali

Assistant Lecturers

Amalina bte Abdul Khalid

Syahwal Nizam Hj Yani


Exzayrani binti Awang Sulaiman

Pg Mohd Rahiman Pg Aliudin

Shariza Wahyuna Hj Shahrin

Siti Ifwah Fauzani binti Hj Chuchu

Administrative Staff

FASS Administrative Staff

Graduate Students

FASS Graduate Students & Alumni



Khairunnisa Haji Ibrahim

Room(s) 1.54
Phone 1419
 Google Scholar

Academic Qualifications

Please click the tabs below for further details.


  • Environmental Systems
  • Environmental Assessment
  • Geography of Brunei Darussalam
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Cartography
  • GIS
  • Remote Sensing

Research Interests

  • Ecological applications of remote sensing and geographical information systems
  • Sustainable development
  • Social and cultural geography
  • Environmental studies

Current research

  • Changes in the Brunei Bay Mangroves: Reflection of Environmental Change? (RG1(183)), with Dr Dulima Jali, Dr Jose Edgar Aban, Mr. Gabriel Yong, Mr Izni Azrein Noor Azalie
  • Transportation alternatives behaviour in Brunei students (TABIBS), with Dr Cheong Poh Ai @ Irene Teh
  • Dynamics of social space in Kg Ayer (unfunded), with Izni Azrein
  • Heritage mapping using GoogleEarth (unfunded), with Izni Azrein
  • Social media and production of local knowledge
  • Crowdsourced mapping of cultural and natural heritage


Book Chapters

Ibrahim, K. (2021). (Re)framing ideas about masculinities borne by the Korean wave: A case study of Bruneian students researching BTS. In K. H. Kim & S. Y. Rou (Eds.), The Korean wave and Islamic Southeast Asia: Exploring current issues (pp. 158–175). Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Conference Papers

Becek, K., & Khairunnisa Ibrahim. (2011). On the Positional Accuracy of the GoogleEarth® Imagery. Proceedings of the FIG Working Week 2011, Bridging the Gap between Cultures, Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011.

Becek, K., & Khairunnisa Ibrahim. (2010). Introducing the Global Elevation Data Testing Facility. Proceedings of the XXIV FIG International Congress, Sydney, Australia, April, 2010.

Becek, K., & Khairunnisa Ibrahim. (2010). Impact of Global Warming on Borneo Forest – the Worst Possible Scenario. Proceedings of the Borneo Research Council Conference, Miri, Malaysia, July, 2010.

Noor Hasharina Hassan, Yong, G., Izni Azrein Noor Azalie, Khairunnisa Ibrahim, & Hairuni Ali Maricar. (2011, Nov). Cultural consideration in vertical living in Brunei Darussalam. Paper presented at the 44th EAROPH Regional Planning Conference, Managing Urban Growth: Challenges for Small Cities, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.


Khairunnisa Ibrahim. (2009). Assessing proboscis monkey habitat change in Sungai Brunei, Brunei Darussalam, using remote sensing and GIS. MSc thesis, University of Leicester.

Khairunnisa Ibrahim. (2006). Small business in Brunei Darussalam: The geography of the night markets in Bandar Seri Begawan. BA thesis, Universiti Brunei Darussalam.